
How Community Unlocks Self-Control

Our first article instructed us on having a healthy relationship with technology. As a complement to this, Christians who want to use technology for the glory of God need to include a vital partner in this effort. That partner is called the local church. 

Being in community is vital to our souls. 1 Corinthians 12 describes Christians as being members of one body, and it reminds Christians that they need each other (1 Cor 12:21). Each member is called to have the same care for one another and must help each other when another member is weak (vv. 25-26). If you would like to read more about church membership you can read here: Article – Why Join a Church?.

A healthy relationship with technology can be achieved through a healthy relationship with a local church. Christian community helps us by focusing on these two areas: accountability and encouragement.

Community Unlocks Accountability

Christians request accountability for many areas of their lives. They ask for help in their marriage, their parenting, their sin-struggles, and job troubles. So why not ask for accountability in the area of technology?

Wisdom comes from an abundance of counselors (Prov 27:9) and only fools despise wisdom (Prov 1:7). Christians face temptations that are common to man (1 Cor 10:13), so we are not alone in this struggle. Being open and honest about temptations in technology and asking for help is a way of carrying burdens as a church (Gal 6:2). When one person suffers, the whole church suffers (1 Cor 12:26).  

If the smartphone or video games has become an idol, we need help. Venturing through life alone is not what God intends for believers, and the same is true for technology. In the local church, you are regularly involved with people who know you well, who are spiritually responsible for your soul, and who are tasked by God to help you be a spiritually healthy Christian.

If you don’t have a church, I encourage you to look for a healthy one. (See church finders from 9marks and the TMS website) If you have a local church but are not involved, I encourage you to be involved. Talk to your pastor or approach another member and ask for help. Ask to be discipled or ask to meet regularly for accountability, prayer, and fellowship. Be humble and teachable, see how they set boundaries for themselves and how they approach technology for their family.

Community Unlocks Encouragement

Not only can there be accountability when using technology, but our church community can use this technology as a tool of encouragement for the Christian’s soul. Growth and care is possible even through the use of technology.

Christians have found creative ways to redeem the use of technology to express the “one anothers” of the New Testament. Members can encourage one another by listening to podcasts on parenting together and discussing it, or by using Zoom for accountability and sharing prayer requests, or by watching a video series on marriage with other couples. Pastors and church members can send encouraging texts to each other regularly or people can email resources to one another for further growth and meditation. Churches can create Spotify or Youtube playlists with songs that their church is singing to complement Sunday singing and family worship throughout the week.

These are only a few of the many different ways technology can encourage a Christian. The point isn’t to exhaust all the possibilities, but to get you always thinking through these questions: 

  • How can I use my technology to encourage someone in my church family?
  • How can I use this device to edify a fellow Christian or help them in their walk with Christ?
  • What are ways that I can minister to this discouraged person with the use of my smartphone?

Run through these questions, and be willing to have a servant heart and new outlook on your smart device. Through the use of accountability and encouragement, the church family can function as a wonderful partner in our use of technology.